Oregon Court of Appeals (3 summaries)
James v. Clackamas County
A contract right to payment from a specified fund ceases to exist when that right is contingent upon money contained in that fund and that money is exhausted.
Area(s) of Law:- Contract Law
Saif v. Miguez
Under OAR 436-035-0007(12), an appellate review unit must explain what observations led to its findings of invalidity, how these observations contradict the validity of the findings, and why the observations are medically significant before it may invalidate a medical examiner's findings.
Area(s) of Law:- Workers Compensation
Dept. of Human Services v. S.P.
Under ORS 419B.100(1)(c), state jurisdiction over a newborn is not supported where the record lacks clear statements of reoccurring problems and where the record does not demonstrate the extent of a mother's developmental disability or the existence of a father's alleged mental health and anger issues.
Area(s) of Law:- Family Law